Coney Island, New York

"I'd like to introduce you to Hyjinx, who lives at the Coney Island Circus Sideshow. Hyjinx's official job, as indicated in Coney Island USA's annual newsletter/program, is artist-in-residence. She likes to spend her downtime perched above Dick Zigun's computer on a gold satin pillow. Dick is the artistic director of Coney Island USA and the unofficial Mayor of Coney Island. Hyjinx shares the sideshow with two albino burmese pythons named Orangina & Casper, along with various freaks, wonders & human curiosities. She roams freely around the whole of Coney Island and has even been spotted prowling around the legendary Cyclone Rollercoaster. Imagine the stories she could tell!" Story sent in by Laurie MacMillan Leddy of New York.

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