Seattle, Washington

Tito was picked up at the pound around 1994, as a kitten. They needed a good mouser at City Peoples in Seattle. Tito was up to the task; he is a very good mouser. In fact, in his thinner days, he used to leave "proof of a job well done" at the front door each morning so the owner could see. When he is not mousing, Tito likes to sit in the nursery boxes, either on the counter or in a place where children can reach in and pet him. He loves everyone at the store and will often jump in a lap while they are in the break room. He has his own cozy bed in the back of the store with a stuffed monkey he likes to sleep with. These days he mostly lounges around the office, and will rumble out a good strong purrrrr when you pet him.

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webmaster@shopcat.com. This shopcat added 28Mar99